Here's a small sampling of what home automation
can do for you during Shabbat:
* Appropriate lighting inside and outside the house can be turned on at or around sunset each Friday afternoon.
Lighting can be set to turn off while everyone is sleeping (although a light can be left on as a night light) and turn back
on again the following evening.
If it is a dark day, lighting sensors can turn on lights during periods of the day when they would not normally be needed.
* Crock pots and other foods ready-for-cooking
can be plugged into appliance modules and programmed to turn on in advance of each meal.
* The Omnistat remote communicating thermostat can provide automatic setback of heating and can flash lights
in the house to awaken people in the event the furnace goes out. Alternatively, the system could call a designated repairperson
to deal with the problem for you.
Almost any other system in the home (water heating, well pump operation, pet feeding systems, etc.) can be controlled by the
home automation system during this time, thereby freeing the homeowner from the need to remember these details.